Friday, April 2, 2010

Vatican Priest:Criticising Church in abuse cases is like anti-Semitism


A senior Vatican priest speaking at a Good Friday service compared the uproar over sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church — which have included reports about Pope Benedict XVI’s oversight role in two cases — to the persecution of the Jews, sharply raising the volume in the Vatican’s counterattack.

The remarks, on the day Christians mark the crucifixion, underscored how much the Catholic Church has felt under attack from recent news reports and criticism over how it has handled charges of child molestation against priests in the past, and sought to focus attention on the church as the central victim.[...]


  1. I highly recommend the book Hitler and the Vatican:

    The author attempts to defend the Catholic Church's support of the Nazi regime but there is a wealth of archival material there that will lay to rest any claims that the Vatican did not support the Jewish genocide.

    Here is the text of Hitlers Concordant with the Catholic Church:

  2. Peggy Noonan, a regular weekend columnist for the Wall Street Journal (and a Catholic), shares her feelings on the current situation regarding child sexual abuse that is facing the Catholic Church:

    Her feelings closely parallel those that I feel when I encounter stories in the media about frum Jews and rabbis engaging in sexual abuse and sexual impropriety.

    I think we Jews should pay close attention to what the Catholic Church is going through. It might be us next (if it's not already).

  3. DT: Take a look please. Chinese Jewry:

  4. Chizki, Although the self-hating Jews would love nothing more for whats happening to the Church to happen to us, it won't. Why? Since we don't have such a widespread issue.

    Of course pointing out this fact will make the purveyors of a Orthodox Jewish sex abuse "crisis" go up in arms, so be it.

  5. We DO have a widespread issue and our leaders DO ignore it just like the Catholic Church does.

    Jews are not different than anyone else. We have the same weaknesses and perversions as the rest of the world.

    It is hard to understand how prosecuting individuals and organizations that perpetrate sexual abuse can ever be compared to Anti Semitism.

    The comparison is MOST offensive when it is made by the Catholic Church which is among the worst perpetrators of Anti Semitism since its inception.

  6. "Jews are not different than anyone else."

    Jews ARE different than anyone else. If you cannot comprehend this fundamental truth, then further discussion is pointless.

    Sexual aveiros are not common amongst Jews. Those who think it is, are those who have borderline assimilated with non-Jews.

  7. "Sexual aveiros are not common amongst Jews".

    If that were true, why are there so many rules on arayos? Why bother?

    Welcome to the Twilight Zone. Unbelievable.

  8. Sexual aveiros are not common amongst Jews. Those who think it is, are those who have borderline assimilated with non-Jews.

    an ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument toward the person" or "argument against the person"), is an argument which links the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.

    It is open secret among social workers in New York that Orthodox families have very high number of sexual assaults cases.

    Books and article by New York sex workers also convey the motion that Orthodox Jews are consist of large percentage of their clientèle. An example is a recent book by former professional dominatrix which makes the that Hassidic jews are the largest group of clients in that proffesion.

    While they all anecdotal evidences it is still disturbing that Orthodox Jews are identified in that group more or the same as other easily identified ethnic groups such as Blacks, Asians, Indians/Pakistanis, Hispanics etc.

  9. If that were true, why are there so many rules on arayos? Why bother?

    We have laws on the Ben Sorer Umoreh even though it NEVER happened (according to one Gemora.) We NEED laws to prevent things from happening.

    an ad hominem argument

    Nothing of the sort. It is an observation that some Jews have assimilated. That fact is not an attack, rather merely an observation of facts.

    There is very good reason that Jews, especially Orthodox Jews, are well well underrepresented in sexual crimes of all sorts (pedophillia, abuse, rape, etc.) It is obvious to anyone without an agenda that we don't engage in this type of activities as a rule, and certainly on a comparitive basis to any other demographic group.


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